5 Top Places you can Get a Vital Research Paper Advice

To create an excellent research paper, you need to get the best information from credible sources. You can’t afford to write anything that comes into your mind without backing evidence. Here are fantastic places and how you can use them to the fullest:

Your teacher/professor

The professors and teachers have been providing advice on academic papers in their entire career. Consider asking him or her to point you towards the most useful sources relevant to your topic. Most students tend to shy away from making such requests because they fear their professors or they are just too proud. But if you know how important your task is, you will do everything to get it right.

The librarian

Each school has a librarian. Some schools even have different librarians for different disciplines. For example, there are schools with specialist librarians for humanities, law, art, and music. Go to your librarian and kindly ask for their help. The librarian will not do the complete research for you, but he will provide the help you need.

Academic journals

Academic journals can offer cutting edge research on different topics. They also add professionalism and credibility to the work. Most universities/colleges/schools subscribe to academic journal databases such as JSTOR and EBSCO.


Websites are great sources of information, but they should be approached with caution. Credible information gets published by experts on the internet, but there is bad information out there too. The best trick you can use is to weed out all the unreliable information. Use search engines such as Yahoo, Google, and Bing to find the right websites that will give information for a specific field. For example, medical students can get information from tools such as PubMed, Medline Plus, and GoPubMed.


Even with all the internet influence, books still are reliable sources of information. Fields like humanities still recommend that their students use books instead of websites. Books have more detailed information and more in-depth thinking than websites. You can find them at your school or a public library website. Consult a librarian if you are not sure how the library is organized.

Relying on more than one source of information is important. This helps you to gather more data; hence you will create a more comprehensive research paper.

Proofread your draft

The proofreading part is important. You want to make sure that your audience understands what parts of the draft may need some help. You can have someone else look it over if you want. It is a great way of checking the flow and whether the piece makes sense. Sometimes when you are reading your own paper, you know what it is supposed to say, and that makes it hard to see the errors.

Create a flow

The use of transitional phrases is vital to the successful flow of your paper. Your paper is a roadmap and your destination is the thesis statement. Look at the signs that you are presenting to your reader. Is it clear that you are changing the subject? If you use transitional phrases, it tells the reader that you are moving on to the next part of your research paper. You are telling them that you are now going to suggest another reason to prove the main idea.

Evidence presentation method

In any paper and especially in this kind of paper, the evidence or proof is important. You want to prove to your audience that you aren’t making things up. You can do this and add credibility to what you are saying by quoting sources and using the evidence derived from studies. However, you need to make sure that you don’t just add a quote and think that is all you need to do.
